Category: Product Care

  • Enhancing Hygiene and Durability with Stainless Steel Wall Panels

    Enhancing Hygiene and Durability with Stainless Steel Wall Panels

    Imagine you’re walking into your favorite local diner. You can practically smell the aroma of sizzling bacon and hear the clatter of pans as the kitchen staff works their magic. Now, amidst all this culinary chaos, there’s a silent hero you might not notice at first glance: stainless steel wall panels. Yup, those sleek, shiny […]

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  • Navigating Food Shields: Varieties and Key Supplier Considerations

    Navigating Food Shields: Varieties and Key Supplier Considerations

    Curious about the silent defenders of food safety? Get ready to explore the world of food shields with us! In the fast-paced realm of food service, where hygiene is everything, understanding these silent protectors is the key to delivering top-notch solutions. Join us as we delve into the diverse array of food shields and essential […]

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  • Partnering with NAKS, Inc.: How Our Support and Expertise Benefit Your Business

    Partnering with NAKS, Inc.: How Our Support and Expertise Benefit Your Business

    In the competitive commercial kitchen ventilation installation and reselling world, having a reliable partner can make all the difference. NAKS, Inc. is dedicated to supporting resellers and installers with high-quality products, expert guidance, and exceptional customer service. Here’s how partnering with NAKS, Inc. can benefit your business and help you deliver superior solutions to your […]

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  • Low Clearance Ductwork Solutions: Understanding Double-Wall Reduced and Zero Clearance Ductwork

    Low Clearance Ductwork Solutions: Understanding Double-Wall Reduced and Zero Clearance Ductwork

    Zero Clearance Duct Solutions: NAKS, Inc.’s Guide to Options When it comes to commercial kitchen ventilation, understanding the different types of duct solutions is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and compliance with building codes. In this comprehensive guide by NAKS, Inc., we’ll explore low-clearance duct solutions, including double-wall reduced clearance, and double-wall zero-clearance ducts. Whether […]

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  • Welded vs. No Weld Ductwork: What Installers Prefer and Why

    Welded vs. No Weld Ductwork: What Installers Prefer and Why

    Welded vs. No Weld Ductwork Preferences: NAKS, Inc Insights As the industry evolves, HVAC installers are faced with decisions regarding ductwork that can significantly impact the efficiency, cost, and installation process of commercial kitchen ventilation systems. At NAKS, Inc., we understand the importance of choosing the right type of ductwork, whether it’s welded or no […]

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  • Geographical Considerations When Selecting a Makeup Air Unit

    Geographical Considerations When Selecting a Makeup Air Unit

    Navigating Geographical Considerations for Makeup Air Units When outfitting your commercial kitchen with ventilation systems, the importance of selecting the right makeup air unit cannot be overstated. Makeup air units play a vital role in maintaining indoor air quality and ensuring the efficiency of your kitchen operations. However, one often overlooked aspect in choosing these […]

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  • Ductwork Packages: Simplifying Installation with Comprehensive Solutions for Installers

    Ductwork Packages: Simplifying Installation with Comprehensive Solutions for Installers

    Simplify Installations with NAKS, Inc: Ductwork Packages for Solutions Ductwork is a critical component of any commercial kitchen ventilation system, playing a pivotal role in ensuring efficient airflow and proper exhaust of cooking contaminants. For HVAC installers, selecting the right ductwork is paramount to achieving a successful and compliant installation. At NAKS, Inc., we understand […]

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  • Insider Tips: What HVAC Installers Need to Know for Successful Hood Installation

    Insider Tips: What HVAC Installers Need to Know for Successful Hood Installation

    Insider Tips for Successful Hood Installation: NAKS, Inc. Guides HVAC Installers Plea Hood installation is a crucial step in setting up a functional and compliant commercial kitchen, demanding precision, expertise, and adherence to industry standards. NAKS, Inc., your trusted partner in commercial kitchen ventilation, understands the nuances of this process and is dedicated to providing […]

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  • NFPA 96 Guide: Commercial Kitchen Safety & Compliance

    NFPA 96 Guide: Commercial Kitchen Safety & Compliance

    Welcome to NAKS, Inc.’s guide on NFPA 96, the Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations. As contractors, installers, or resellers, understanding the intricacies of NFPA 96 is paramount for ensuring the safety and compliance of commercial kitchens. In this blog post, we’ll delve into key aspects of NFPA 96, providing […]

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  • What Does “UL Certified” Mean? And How Is It Different From ETL Certification?

    What Does “UL Certified” Mean? And How Is It Different From ETL Certification?

    Introduction When it comes to ensuring the safety and reliability of products, certifications play a crucial role. In commercial kitchen equipment, two of the prominent certifications t are UL Certification and ETL Certification. Both organziations are recogized by OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) as NRTL (National Recognized Testing Laboratories), which means their testing is […]

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